Sean Mackey

headshot photo of Sean Mackey. Sunny day, short brown hair, brown eyes, light stubble, gray shirt

I am a software engineer. I do this work because I am passionate about architecting solutions to problems / pain points and creating things that make people's lives easier and better!

I have experience building full stack applications with JavaScript, React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redux, Node.js, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Express, Git, AWS, HTML5, CSS3, and Heroku. Other technologies I've worked with include TypeScript, Python, Swift, and Playwright.

Prior to becoming an engineer I worked as a project manager, supervising the booking and logistics of multi-million dollar first class National tours of Broadway shows. Whatever work I do, it is informed by my commitment to a passion for details, organization, accuracy, and delivering on my word.

In my free time you can find me at the New York Philharmonic, whipping up new recipes in the kitchen, lifting weights, traveling, and working hard at being the favorite uncle to my nieces and nephews.


A web app inspired by OpenTable where users browse restaurants, make reservations, leave reviews, and save/unsave favorite restaurants.

  • Technologies: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, React, Redux, CSS, HTML, AWS, React-icons, Webpack, Heroku

Conway's Game of Life

An original web implementation of John Conway's cellular automation where users create an initial configuration of dead and live cells and watch them evolve according to the game rules.

  • Technologies: JavaScript, React (hooks only), CSS


An original web app where users can upload a photo from every U.S. state they have visited, and see and comment on all other user's posts and photos.

  • Technoligies: MongoDB, Mongoose, Express.js, React, Redux, Node.js, AWS, SVG, HTML, CSS, Webpack, Heroku

Piano Player

A web hosted musical keyboard where users can play notes/songs with mouse or keyboard

  • Technologies: JavaScript, Tone.js Web Audio API library, HTML, CSS, Webpack


Get in touch

Click below to send me an email, or check out my social links to learn more about me. Thanks for visiting!